Monday, October 11, 2010

Field of Screams

So Friday night October 8th, my two roomies and I met with my ex-boyfriend to go to Field of Dreams in Olney, Maryland. This is my second time going to this and I have to say I was even more scared than the first if thats possible. First of all, you have to sign a waver before going in. That's when you know it is going to petrify you. And I am a big baby. I am literally frightened of anything scary so this was very hard for me. Its a bit pricy $20 to do the haunted trail but totally worth every penny. What the haunted trail is is a 25-30 minute walk through the woods with periodical stops in these wooden huts that had really scary shit in them.
Probably the best part of this trip was my roommates and my reaction to everything. My tactic is to scream bloody murder, Kristyn likes to duck and run, and Allie freezes. Not a very good combination but hysterical all the same. Rob (my ex) isn't scared of much so most of the time he laughed. The only thing he got scared of was the two chainsaw men chasing us through the woods. But I mean come on, who isn't programmed to run like hell if a chainsaw is coming at you?

Overall totally fun. Kristyn would say otherwise. I think her exact words were, "I will never do that again. Far too scared." Haha but I still recommend this if you're looking for a good scare in the DC or Maryland area in the month of October and have $20 to drop.

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